Nutrigenomics: The Future Of Healthy Living

Uncategorized Apr 25, 2020

Nutritional genomics or nutrigenomics is the connection between diet, nutrition, and gene expression. This field was jump-started in the 1990s by the Human Genome Project and the ensuing charting of human DNA sequences. Although it’s still regarded as a developing science, nutrigenomics will transform the way we eat and how nutritionists, dietitians, and doctors recommend diets.

What Is Nutrigenomics?

Nutrigenomics is a branch of genetics. It studies how the foods we eat can influence our genes and how genetic variations shape the way we respond to nutrients.

Let’s briefly examine our DNA to better understand this topic. Do you remember learning about the human genome in your biology class? Human beings have approximately three billion DNA pairings within 23 chromosomal pairs. A vast majority of our genes, 98% to be precise are similar to one another. It is the remaining 2% of the protein-coding genes that will determine your ‘uniqueness’. Also called the exome, these genes will define whether you have lean muscles, or lactose intolerance, or straight hair, etc. How? Your genes provide specific instructions to the amino acid arrangements that form your characteristics or phenotype.

What this all means is although we all possess the same genes, it is that 2% genetic variation that affects how we look, what foods we can tolerate, and even what our bodies need to be healthy. The study of the human genome has helped scientists discover that the variations in our DNA will influence our metabolic efficiency. This helps explain why certain diets work for some but not for others or why some people are more prone to weight gain than others. This surprising finding has helped scientists conclude that different diets affect people differently. The field of nutrigenomics can shed light on how our DNA interacts with what we eat and how the food we eat can ultimately improve (or worsen) our health.

Why is Nutrigenomics Important?

Many health-related professionals will advise you that to stay healthy and fit, 80% is diet and the rest is exercise. Irrespective of how long you run on the treadmill, your diet plays an immense in your weight and ultimately your health. In fact, your diet can protect or put you at risk for diseases like high blood pressure, type-2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and cholesterol.

You’re likely aware that you need to incorporate lots of vegetables and fruits into your daily diet, however, a calibrated diet does more than providing general suggestions. Without knowing about your current health and genetic variants, you might not be aware of what nutrients you’re lacking or whether you’re consuming too many carbohydrates and insufficient proteins, etc.

What Can Nutrigenomics Tell You About Your Body?

With nutrigenomics, you gain a better understanding of what improves your body and what won’t. For instance, it can help you learn whether you’re gluten intolerant, how your body absorbs nutrients, what type of diet will help you lose weight, etc.

By coming up with a tailor-made diet to suit your body’s requirements and genetic variants, you’ll improve things within your body like cell signaling, managing insulin levels, controlling blood pressure; ultimately feeling better because of your food choices. When you have a comprehensive picture of your body’s needs, you can choose foods that will energize and protect you.

How You Can Use Nutrigenomics For Your Benefit?

There are several nutrigenomics tests out there, but they all examine variables such as:

1) Your eating behaviors. You’ll learn whether you’re more inclined to crave for salty or sweet snacks, or whether you’ll have difficulty feeling satiated, etc.

2) Your reactions to foods. You’ll get to learn about how your body processes common foods.

3) Your diet. By learning about your genetics, you can figure out your response to monounsaturated/polyunsaturated fats, omega-3, and 6 levels, etc.

4) Your nutritional requirements. This will tell you which vitamins and minerals your body needs.

5) Metabolic factors. Find out how the foods you eat affect your blood sugar levels, LDL/HDL levels, etc.

Nutrigenomic tests uncover your personal genetic nutrient profile. The results determine items such as the ratio of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in your body, the amount of exercise you need, requirements for your diet, etc.

How Nutrigenomics Influences Your Diet?

Nutrigenomics takes a closer look into the calories and nutrients you should consume and the supplements that your body needs. This varies from person to person. This is why some people can consume a high-fat diet and have no issues with their cholesterol levels, whereas some people have to be careful about how much fat they eat.

When a person is able to find out what works for them, they will know what nutrients they require and what will work for their genetic type.

Nutrigenomics has the potential of preventing and treating many types of health issues via personalized nutrition. Although the road to this discovery will take a long time, many feats have been achieved. A lot of research is still required to figure out the impact of genes on nutrition. Nutrigenomics has the potential of preventing and curing diseases through nutrition. Once the complex interplay between genes, cell signaling, and nutrients is discovered, health practitioners can make specific, personalized diet recommendations instead of asking people to conform to a one-size-fits-all diet. You will actually get a diet that is tailored to your body and health requirements. With nutrigenomics, your doctor will be able to create a personalized health plan that fits your calorie intake and vitamin requirements.

Every person responds differently to a particular diet. This is why a personalized diet is more effective at meeting individual needs. Personalized nutrition takes into account the person’s life, the presence of chronic diseases, and strategies to minimize the risk of developing diseases based on the person’s genetic make-up.

Many studies have demonstrated that a person’s genetic composition impacts the outcome of their health as a response to lifestyle and the environment. With nutrigenomics, the person will have access to personalized nutrition to help keep their health in check. Nutrigenomics will also be more cost-effective in the long run because a better understanding of diets, diseases, and genetics can formulate cures to many diseases.

Nutrigenomics explores the complex interaction between a person’s genes and the nutrients they require to sustain their body. If you want to be fit and work out, you should know what nutrients you require to help you achieve your goal of healthy living.

Why Is Nutrigenomics The Better Approach To Wellness?

In nutrigenomics, genetic analysis will reveal what food is benefiting you and what is causing harm. If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, you need to have your genetic information at hand so that you can make choices that put you on the path to a disease-free life.

Through nutrigenomics, you will have insight into your genetic information. You will learn things like why you’re more prone to gaining weight or what foods can increase your need to eat more, etc. Nutrigenomics can also tell you about foods you should avoid altogether. It can actually help you shed unwanted pounds and bring you back to your ideal body weight.

All human beings share 98% of their genes, but it is that 2% that makes you unique. This means that if two people are given the same diet plan, it won’t necessarily benefit both. Knowing how your genetics interacts with certain food determines the diet you need to follow, nutritional intake, and your overall well-being.

With information about your genetic make-up and nutrient requirement in hand, your doctor or nutritionist can help you figure out a personalized diet plan. Based on your genetic test results, they can recommend which foods you can take and how it will affect you. They can also recommend which foods to consume as a preventative measure from chronic and life-threatening diseases.

With nutrigenomics, your path to better health is personalized and guaranteed.


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